GeoFraming: What Is It and How It Differs From GeoFencing?

Geofencing refers to the marketing tactic of using GPS and/or RFID software to track the whereabouts of prospective customers and send them texts, emails and app notifications when they’re in certain locations. For instance, a marketer might send out coupons to individuals who are in or near the brand’s store, thereby compelling recipients to make a purchase. Though the concept itself may seem a bit creepy, it has actually proven to be quite effective.
Taco Bell, for example, saw a 6% increase in annual sales after it implemented geofencing to target people under 30. Quizno’s received a 20% jump in coupon redemption when it targeted individuals at competitors’ locations. That said, though geofencing is effective, it doesn’t offer a complete solution for marketers who wish to target people after the fact, such as after a big event. That’s where geoframing comes in.
What Is GeoFraming?
Whereas geofencing allows you to target prospects at the time they are in a certain physical location, geoframing goes one step further and allows you to target individuals who were in a certain location up to six months ago. How is that possible, you may wonder?
Geo framing technology captures the Unique Devices IDs of individuals who attended, say, a trade show you were at. The technology then maps those IDs to the owners’ homes and then sends ads across all devices within the homes. To utilize the technology, simply enter the target area and date range and it will send you data on all the devices that passed through the area within the specified timeframe.
You do not have to target a single event. Many companies now use geoframing to target individuals who visited competitors’ places of business, or who regularly shop around a given store but never enter it.
What Are the Differences Between GeoFencing and GeoFraming?
Though both geofencing and geoframing target individuals based on location, there are distinct differences between the two tactics. Below is an overview of the variances in the technologies:
- Users must opt-in to receive notifications from a brand.
- The technology uses cell towers to locate users.
- Users will only receive ads when they are in a designated area in real-time.
- Users will stop receiving ads once they leave the assigned area.
- Users do not have to opt in to receive ads through geoframing.
- Location is highly targeted and can be set down to the square meter, thereby allowing brands to target individuals who are in a shopping complex, etc.
- Geoframing continues to target users in real-time, even after they leave a specified region.
- Geoframing allows marketers to access a device owner’s home location and send materials both to the home address and other devices within it.
Geoframing, like other technologies like it, works best when combined with geofencing, geotargeting, geo-retargeting LookAlike and household IP targeting.
How Can You Implement Geo Framing?
Ideally, you should incorporate geoframing in with the rest of your digital marketing strategy and let a professional marketing team both design and send out the ads. Momentum utilizes a holistic approach to digital marketing and ensures that each aspect of a strategy complements and furthers the objectives of all the others. We also pride ourselves on using the best of the best technology to advance customers’ goals, which is why we offer both geofencing and geoframing. Whether you’re already a customer with us and want to implement geoframing today or you wish to devise a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, contact us to discuss possible solutions.